External API
1.General information
In order to share XML data you need to send GET request to:
https://katalog.intercars.com.pl/api/v2/External/{action_name}?{parameter_name}={parameter_value}, defining specific name of an action. Its parameters need to be given in so called Query String, depending on a type of a method. Additionally, each request must have two values in its header: “kh_kod” and “token”. Kh_kod is a customer’s number in Inter Cars system. Token is a specific key that can be obtained in “Settings” section in IC_Katalog ONLINE programme.
A well formatted header needs to look like this (HTTP Header):
For example,
kh_kod: 526318
token: 4a4bf416-0505-4b6d-bd3f-d2b610a1f3bd5
API shares such methods:
•GetInvoices (sharing information about documents from a date range)
•GetInvoice (sharing information about a single document)
Screens from below are taken using Google Chrome Postman application
2.Sharing information about invoices (GetInvoices)
To share such XML data, you need to send GET request to:
https://katalog.intercars.com.pl/api/v2/External/, fill the name of an action GetInvoices and fill its parameters marked as „from” (initial date), and „to” (finish date)
Complete request should look like this:
GET address request:
HTTP header:
For example,
kh_kod: 526318
token: 4a4bf416-0505-4b6d-bd3f-d2b610a1f3bd5
AS a result, you will get an XML document with information about a list of invoices’ headers.
3.Downloading information about a specific invoice (GetInvoice)
To share such XML data, you need to send GET request to:
https://katalog.intercars.com.pl/api/v2/External/ and fill the name of an action GetInvoice, and fill its parameters marked as „id”.
Complete request should look like this:
GET address request:
HTTP header:
For example,
kh_kod: 526318
token: 4a4bf416-0505-4b6d-bd3f-d2b610a1f3bd5
As a result, you will get an XML document with information about invoice’s header and the list of items in the document.
4.Exemplary request using WebClient object
var serverUrl = https://katalog.intercars.com.pl/api/v2/External/GetInvoice?id= 110000031;
var client = new System.Net.WebClient();
client.Headers["kh_kod"] = "526318";
client.Headers["token"] = "4a4bf416-0505-4b6d-bd3f-d2b610a1f3bd";
var result = client.DownloadString(serverUrl);
An exemplary Widnows Forms application can be obtained from:
5.Generating access token
In order to generate access token, you need to log-in to Your IC_Katalog ONLINE account and go to “Settings” section. Next, choose “Share documents online” button. If your e-mail address has not been confirmed yet, you need to confirm it now clicking “Confirm e-mail”.
If there is no e-mail address in a field, please get in touch with your Inter Cars sales representative.
To generate token, just click “Generate token” button. After accepting the terms and conditions, a proper token be generated. After closing the window, the token will not be displayed again. Therefore you may copy it to clipboard.
See the video by clicking the link below.